Kamis, 26 Desember 2013



            Bandara yang paling dekat dengan SMA Negeri 7 Purworejo adalah Bandara Internasional Adi Sucipto yang terletak di kota Yogyakarta, Kota yogyakarta terkenal dengan sebutan kota pelajar. Kota yang sangat asri yang masih begitu kental dan masih sangat menjunjung tinggi budaya jawa ini di pimpin oleh seorang Sultan yang bertempat tinggal di Keraton Yogyakarta.
            Dari Yogyakarta untuk sampai ke kota Purworejo kita masih harus menempuh jarak sekitar 75 Km kearah Barat. Pada kurang lebih kilometer 70 akan kita jumpai tugu yang menjadi batas antara DIY dan Propinsi Jawa Tengah, dan ini lah Tugu perbatasan antara Yogyakarta dan Purworejo.
            Kambing Etawa dan buah durian adalah ciri khas kabupaten Purworejo. Buah Durian ini bisa kita temui dengan mudah pada musim durian sekitar bulan Januari dan Oktober, meskipun Pohon Durian tumbuh dan berkembang di sebuah kecamatan Purworejo namun pada musim  durian kita bisa mendapatkannya di sepanjang Jalan raya kabupaten Purworejo.
            Kabupaten Purworejo dipimpin oleh seorang Bupati yaitu Bp. Kelik Sumrahadi,S.Sos, M.M. ,selama masih menjabat sebagai Bupati berhak untuk tinggal di pendopo Kabupaten yang letaknya di pusat Kota Purworejo atau tepatnya di sebelah utara alun-alun Purworejo.
Di sebelah Barat alun-alun berdirilah sebuah Masjid besar yang bernama Masjid Agung Kauman Purworejo. Di dalam masjid Agung ini terdapat sebuah bedug Pendowo yang di buat pada masa pemerintahan Bupati Purworejo I yaitu Raden Cokronegoro I pada kurang lebih tahun 1762, berasal dari bahan kayu jati dari dusun Pendowo, desa Bragolan, kecamatan Purwodadi dengan ukuran panjang 292cm, keliling bagian depan 601 cm, keliling bagian belakang 564cm, diameter bagian depan 194cm, diameter bagian belakang 180cm. Sebagai peninggalan budaya yang harus dijaga dan dirawat kegunaannya, bedug ini hanya dibunyikan pada setiap hari jum’at dan hari-hari besar.
            Pendidikan di kabupaten Purworejo juga sudah sangat maju, ada beberapa sekolah yang sudah dipercaya oleh pemerintah untuk menyelenggarakan program Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional ( RSBI ), dan salah satu sekolah tersebut adalah sekolah kami SMA NEGERI 7 PURWOREJO.    
            SMA N 7 Purworejo terletak di sebelah selatan alun-alun Purworejo atau sekitar 2 km dari Pendopo Kabupaten Purworejo.
            Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Negeri 7 Purworejo berada di komplek Jalan Ki Mangunsarkoro No.1 Purworejo, di atas tanah seluas 46.457 m2. Gedung yang sarat nilai sejarah ini merupakan warisan peninggalan pemerintah kolonialis Belanda yang dibangun ± tahun 1915. Konstruksi bangunannya sengaja dirancang agar mampu bertahan 150 tahun. Memiliki lebih dari 27 ruang kelas dan berbagai ruangan yang mendukung terlaksananya proses belajar mengajar yang ideal di SMA N 7 Purworejo. Dilengkapi pula dengan sarana parkir yang luas.
            Meskipun SMA N 7 Purworejo saat ini sudah menyelenggarakan program RSBI namun adat dan budaya menghormati orang tua/guru tetap dipertahankan, siswa berjabat tangan dengan guru pada saat datang ke sekolah. Dan antar siswa saling menghormati dan menghargai.
            Untuk mendukung kelancaran proses belajar mengajar, di  SMA N 7 Purworejo tersedia berbagai fasilitas yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh guru dan siswa antara lain:  
-         Perpustakaan dengan layanan digital yang menyediakan beraneka ragam buku, fasilitas computer dan internet, Perpustakaan yang pernah meraih juara II se jawa-Bali ini  juga dilengkapi dengan ruang baca yang nyaman sehingga siswa akan senang berkunjung ke perpustakaan.
-         Laboraturium Kimia, Fisika dan Biologi yang memungkinkan siswa untuk melakukan berbagai macam percobaan bagi siswa dari program IPA.
-         Laboraturium bahasa untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan berbahasa siswa.
-         Laboraturium IPS untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa mengenai berbagai ilmu yang berkaitan dengan materi-materi di program IPS.
Sesuai dengan Visi SMA N 7 Purworejo yaitu:
Ø      Unggul dalam prestasi/Excellent in achievement.
Ø      Santun dalam perilaku/Well mannered in behavior.
Ø      Memiliki apresiasi seni budaya yang tinggi/Having high art and culture appreciation.
Ø      Berwawasan Global/Having Global Concept.
Maka SMA N 7 Purworejo benar-benar mengembangkan ketrampilan siswa di bidang seni dengan mengadakan berbagai macam  kegiatan ekstra kurikuler antara lain:
  • Seni Tari
Dalam kegiatan ekstra seni tari ini SMA N 7 Purworejo mengembangkan tari khas Kabupaten Purworejo yaitu tari DOLALAK
Tari DOLALAK merupakan salah satu tarian khas daerah Purworejo. Tari ini merupakan asimilasi antara budaya jawa dan budaya barat yang terilhami dari para serdadu Belanda sering menari-nari dengan menggunakan seragam militernya dan diiringi dengan nyanyian yang berisi sindiran sehingga merupakan pantun. Kata DOLALAK sebenarnya berasal dari notasi DO LA LA yang merupakan bagian dari notasi  DO RE MI FA SO LA SI DO yang kemudian berkembang dalam logat Jawa menjadi DOLALAK yang sampai sekaran Tarian ini menjadi DOLALAK. Tarian ini pernah dipentaskan di Istana Negara. Tarian DOLALAK juga sering dipertunjukkan pada even-even Nasional, hiburan pada orang yang punya hajat atau menyambut tamu yang dating ke daerah Purworejo.
  • Seni Musik Gamelan
  • Dan seni musik modern.
Juga membekali siswa untuk memiliki ketrampilan hidup seperti : mengajarkan pembuatan Tanaman Bonzai.
Kegiatan lain yang memberikan ketrampilan kepada siswa-siswa SMA N 7 Purworejo adalah Palang Merah Remaja (PMR)  dalam kegiatan ini, siswa diberi bekal ketrampilan bagaimana memberikan pertolongan pertama pada berbagai kasus kecelakaan. Untuk mendukung kegiatan ini dilengkapi dengan sarana UKS (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah) untuk membantu pertolongan pertama pada siswa yang mengalami masalah kesehatan.
Kegiatan yang lain antara lain Panjat Tebing dan Pramuka yang bertujuan untuk melatih keberanian dan kedisiplinan siswa.
            Program RSBI di SMA Negeri 7 Purworejo sangat didukung oleh berbagai pihak antara lain Oleh :
1. Orang No 1 di kabupaten Purworejo yaitu Bupati Purworejo Bpk. Kelik Sumrahadi,S.Sos M.M.
2. Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Purworejo Bpk. Drs. Rois.
Disamping dukungan dari stake holder pemerintahan, Program RSBI di SMA N 7 Purworejo juga sangat didukung oleh segenap warga SMA N 7 Purworejo antara lain:
-         Kepala Sekolah
-         Komite Sekolah
-         Bapak/ibu guru Karyawan SMA N 7 Purworejo
Berikut ini adalah suasana belajar yang dilaksanakan didalam kelas.
Disamping pembelajaran didalam kelas, pembelajaran diluar kelaspun sering dilaksanakan:
-         Karena lokasi SMA N 7 Yang dekat dengan Candi Borobudur  hanya kurang lebih 45 Km maka pembelajaran bahasa sering didakan di Candi Borobudur, agar siswa bisa mempraktekkan ketrampilan berbahasa mereka dengan penutur asli, juga untuk mengenal budaya yang ditinggalkan oleh nenek moyang.
-         Pembelajaran di kota Yogyakarta dalam rangka Iternasional day yang dilaksanakan oleh Universitas Gajah Mada

The nearest airport from SMA N 7 Purworejo is Adi Sucipto Airport, Adi Sucipto is one of the International Airport in Java which is located in Yogyakarta. People called Yogyakarta as “Kota Pelajar”. The city whish is still very natural. It appreciates the high Javanese culture. Yogyakarta is  led by Sultan who lives at Sultan Palace.
            From Yogyakarta, we must still take a quite a long distance, it is about 75 kilometers westwards to get the town of Purworejo. About 70 kilometers we will find “Tugu”  as the border between DIY and Central Java Province. It is the gate of Purworejo regency.
            Etawa goat and Durian fruit are the characteristics of Purworejo regency. We can find the durian fruit easily on February and October, and we can find the durian fruit especially a long main street of Purworejo.
            Purworejo is led by a regent, Bapak Kelik Sumrahadi,S.SoS,M.M lives in the government building which is called “Pendopo Kabupaten” which located in the center of Purworejo Town or exactly it lies on the North of Purworejo city square.
            PENDOPO DRUM is located in the Great Mosque Kauman , Purworejo westward from the city square. Dating back to the period of the first Purworejo Resident Raden Tjokronegoro I, at ± 1762 of Javanese Calendar or 1834, Pendopo drum was made of teak from Pendowo area, Purwodadi District. The size of Pendowo drum is 292 centimeters long. The front periphery is 601 centimeters, while the rear periphery is 564 centimeters. The front diameter is 194 centimeters the rear diameter is 180 centimeters. The strike area is made of wild ox skin. As the cultural treasure that should be maintained, this mosque drum is striken only on Fridays and holidays. 
            The education  in Purworejo has been progressing well, there are some schools which meet the standard determined the government to conduct RSBI Program or International based School and one of them is our school that is SMA N 7 Purworejo. SMA 7 Purworejo lies on the South of Purworejo Town square or 2 kilometers from Pendopo, It is on Mangunsarkoro Street No 1. It lies on 46.457m2 , the building used to be the building of  Dutch Colonial Government. It was built about in the year of 1915. The construction of the its building was especially designed in order to last for 150 years. SMA 7 Purworejo has 27 classes and has many kinds of room which are conducive in conducting the ideal Teaching-Learning process. It is completed by the large parking area. The custom and behavior dealing with the Javanese culture towards the parents and the teachers are persisted well in SMA N 7 Purworejo, the students shake hand with the teachers when they come to the school. The students appreciate one another to support a good atmosphere of Teaching-Learning process in SMA N 7 Purworejo. It is provided by many of facilities which can be used by teachers and the students, such as:
-         The library with the digital service which provides the variety of books. ICT facility. SMA N 7 Purworejo’s library has ever won the 2nd winner in the library competition in Java-Bali. The library is also completed with the comfortable reading room so the students can be excited visiting it.
-         Chemistry, Physics, and Biology Laboratories which enable the students of science program to do some experiments.
( The students of Science Program are doing experiments in the chemistry Laboratory)
-         Language Laboratory used to develop the students knowledge connected with the materials in Language Program.
-         Social Laboratory is used to develop the student knowledge connected with the materials in Social Program.      
Based on the visions of SMA 7 Purworejo, They are:
  1. Being Excellent in achievement.
  2. Being well mannered in behavior.
  3. Having high art and culture appreciation.
  4. Having global concept.
So SMA 7 Purworejo, encourages and develops the student skill in art field by holding many kind of extra curricular activities  such as :
  1. Dancing
In this activity SMA & Purworejo develops many kind of dancing especially a specific local dance of Purworejo namely DOLALAK.
Dolalak dance is one of the folk dances of Purworejo, it is assimilation of the Jvanese culture and western culture which was inspired by the Dutch soldiers who often dance in their military uniform. They dance while singing some rhythmic allusion songs. The term DOLALAK is originated from Do La La which are some notes in the “ do re mi fa so la si do “ musical notation. In Javanese dialect it turn to be DOLALAK . This dance has been perfomed in the Presidential palace and is often performed in the events celebrating national days. The dance is also performed in ceremonial feast and as local welcome dance. 
  1.  Gamelan orchestra.
The students are practicing gamelan orchestra with the guidance of the teacher in gamelan room SMA 7 Purworejo.
  1. Modern music  such as  band and vocal group are also learnt in SMA 7 Purworejo.
  2. The students are also given some Life Skill such as “Bonzai” Plant .
  3. There are still many others activities which are carried out by SMA 7 Purworejo such as :
-         PMR or Youth Red-Cross. ( The students are practicing giving a help to those who have an accident ) This activity is supported by UKS or Health School Center
-         Mount-climbing
-         Boy-Scout
RSBI Program in SMA 7 Purworejo is supported by :
1.      The first person in Purworejo, He is Mr. Kelik Sumrahadi, S.Sos, M.M
Here is his support……………. ( I’m the regent of Purworejo, really supports RSBI program in SMA 7 Purworejo, It has been stated clearly that Education is one of the priority programs in Purworejo, so It must be managed well and it must be managed seriously especially in this Global era, the standard of our education must be the same as the international standard so we will not left behind. we have capital in handling this program: Qualified students. So we can develop the education by completing our school with some good facilities needed by the students. I really hope that all the stake holders, the society and all the school members support this program so this program will be real, will have good quality   in the future. And finally It is really qualified in International level. Thank you very much )   
2.      The head of education office, Drs. Rois  also supports RSBI Program in SMA 7 Purworejo, here is his speech: ………….( I’m the head of education office of Purworejo, I really appreciates SMA 7 efforts in developing its existence by carrying out some good programs such as Cyber class Room Program and Immersion Program. Immersion Program is a Program which Improves foreign language acquisition especially English, some subjects are delivered using English. Now SMA 7 Purworejo is prepared to be the International Based School project, we hope that all of the stake holders from the society, government, and parents give their support to SMA 7 Purworejo so someday SMA 7 will really be a qualified school with International standard. Finally I support all the programs in SMA 7 Purworejo and congratulation for all the school members of SMA 7 Purworejo. Thank you very much.
3.      The leader of the School Committee also supports RSBI Program in SMA 7 Purworejo,  The following is his speech………….. ( In this great chance I would like to say that we are all the members of the committee really support the RSBI Program in SMA 7 Purworejo, we hope that this program can run well. Our planning is how the teaching learning process in SMA 7 Purworejo can be prepared well by the teachers. And all the facilities can be provided so the students can really get new knowledge and get good result in their future. )
4.      The following is a brief speech from the Head master of SMA 7 purworejo
5.      The followings are the supports on RSBI program from the teachers and the staff of SMA 7 Purworejo.
6.      The situation of  teaching learning process which is carried out in the RSBI class.
Ø      Some times the teaching learning process is also carried out outside the class room such as :
-         Borobudur temple, SMA 7 is also located near Borobudur temple and we know that there are a lot of foreigners who visit Borobudur so by carrying out  the teaching learning process in Borobudur means we can practice our English with the foreigners.
-         Yogyakarta, sometimes we work out a closer cooperative program with some Universities in Yogyakarta such as Gajah mada University or Yogyakarta University.
The following is visiting INTERNATIONAL DAY held by Gajah Mada university.


* * * * THANK YOU VERY MUCH * * * *

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